How Big Is Texas?
Let’s set the context with an overview of some of the areas in which Texas is BIG!
Texas is the second largest U.S. state, behind only Alaska and ahead of… California (that won’t be the last time we beat California 😉), with 261,194 square miles of land.
Texas is slightly larger than my native country, France (which covers about 213,000 square miles).

You’ve probably seen on social media those maps where Texas overlaps several other states or even countries... sometimes not without a little touch of humor teasing Texans’ bragging rights.

In terms of population, Texas had 30,503,301 inhabitants as of 2023, which represents a little more than 9% of the U.S. population. It is second only to California and is followed by Florida and New York.
Texas’ population is younger than the average for the U.S. (35.6 vs. 39). Interestingly, 17.2% of the Lone Star State’s population is foreign born, with 43.4% of that subset being naturalized citizens 🇺🇸 (like me!).
Texas was once its own country. On March 2, 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico, and finally won it on April 21 of that year. On September 1, the Republic of Texas elected its first president, Sam Houston.
In 1846, Texas joined the United States as the 28th state of the Union.
We will look into Texas’ economy more closely in a separate article, but here are just a few data points:
Texas’ $2.4 trillion economy is larger than the economy of Italy or Canada—and would be the 8th largest economy in the world if it were its own country again.
Texas is actually getting closer to surpass the French economy, according to a recent speech by Governor Abbott (Yeehaw!).
Texas is the state with the most Fortune 500 companies—55 (and dare I say, and counting).
Texas accounts for 22% of U.S. exports.
Around 68% of trade between the U.S. and Mexico goes through the Texas-Mexico border.
Texas exports more than any other state.
Texas has more airports, miles of public roadways, state highways, freight railways and foreign trade zones than any other state.
As of February 2024, the unemployment rate was 3.9%.
Texas, U.S. Census Bureau, reviewed March 2024.
Unveiling the Diversity of France's Climate and Geography,, 2017/2023.
QuickFacts: Texas; United States, U.S. Census Bureau, reviewed March 2024.
US States by Population, WorldAtlas, 2023.
Texas History Timeline, Bullock Museum, reviewed March 2024.
Texas 175th Anniversary of Statehood (1845): December 29, 2020, U.S. Census Bureau, 2020.
Top Texas Touts: Economy, Texas Office of the Governor Greg Abbott, 2023.
The 10 Largest Economies in the World by Tim Smart, U.S. News & World Report, 2024.
TPS 2024 - Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Texas Public Policy Foundation, 2024.
Economy at a Glance: Texas, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024.
Texas Senate Bill 1308 Study, Texas Department of Transportation, 2022.
Texas Trade & FDI, Texas Economic Development & Tourism, Office of Governor Greg Abbott, 2023.